Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Getting into the Christmas Spirit!

Hi Everyone;
Two blogs in one week, I think that might be a record!

Can you believe Christmas is only 5 weeks away (38 days to be exact), I am so excited. Gigi bought we a couple of Christmas DVD's and I have been watching them over the past week which has been getting me into the Christmas mood. Before Granny and Pop-pop head out of town to Arizona we decided to take them over to the Bristol Speedway of Lights. Some of you might remember the pics we posted last year, it is quite the spectacle.

I really enjoyed it this year, it was a beautiful night and we had lots of fun. To our suprise our friends the Battel's showed up and I got to go on some rides with Ella and Fisher!!!

Here is a grocery cart full of presents from the store where Mommy and I do all of our grocery shopping. Could you imagine how cool it would be to get an entire grocery cart of presents!!!

Once you get through the path of different light scenes outside you get to enter into the Bristol Motor Speedway 1/2 mile track. They let you drive on it for a little while and Daddy was in heaven, he kept going up on the banked sides and it was making mommy nervous, she felt like the car was going to tip over, silly Mommy!

I even got to drive the car for a little while, it was so neat, I already know how to do hand over hand turning!
We bought some marshmallows and got to roast them over the fire, the fire was really hot so I wouldn't get that close, well not until my friends arrived!!!
Here I am eating my first ever candy cane, it was yummy! Santa Claus gave it to me. Mommy and Daddy tried to get me to sit on Santa's knee and have my picture taken but I just wasn't interested. I did give Santa a high five and offered to share my candy cane with him.

Marshmallows are very interesting, I had to check it all out before I put it in my mouth.

Daddy, Ella, Fisher and I, went on a Choo, Choo train ride. At first I was hesitant which is why Daddy came with me, but once it started I loved it!

Then we went over to the ATV ride and Fisher went on all by himself and it looked like he was having so much fun that I decided to join him. This ride went really fast but it was a blast, plus I got to sit with my best friend Fisher!!!

I didn't want to let go of the handle bars but Fisher had no problem doing that, he kept honking the horn!

It was a very fun night! Mommy and Daddy promised to bring me back again before Christmas because they have a skating rink and we are going to try and do some skating.
Hope everyone has a good week!
Love y'all

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