Monday, June 30, 2008

Move to Tennessee

Well we made it to Tennessee and we are almost all settled in our new house. Thanks to the Chambers for an amazing send off party, it was lots of fun! The trip down was quite long, I didn't really enjoy being in my car seat for 2 full days straight but Mommy and Daddy made it up to me by moving me somewhere "hot". The weather has been in the 90's almost every single day and we have only seen rain once in 2 weeks! Daddy had his work cut-out for him, he had to drive a 26 ft. U-haul truck with a 12-ft U-haul trailer towing behind, but he did it and I am so proud of him.

Thank goodness Mommy and Daddy had some help once they got to Tennessee, otherwise I am not too sure how they would have done it. Mommy's best friend Amy flew in the day that we arrived and she stayed for 5 days and worked all day, long into the night. She got so many boxes unpacked, it was great. She also babysat me one morning for 3 hours while Mommy and Daddy went to the lawyers to get the keys for the house and I was on my best behavior.

Amy also got to see me try food for the very first time, Rice Pablum, I really enjoyed it but unfortunately my stomach doesn't seem ready for it yet. I tried it for one week and I began to wake up allot during the night, so Mommy and Daddy have decided to wait a little longer before I have food again!!!

When Amy left Gigi arrived and was here for 6 days, it was so nice to see her, I got really excited at the airport when I heard her voice. She helped Mommy and Daddy get all the dirty work done, like stripping wallpaper and painting my nursery. I love my new room, it looks amazing! They also painted over that deep purple colour that was in Mommy and Daddy's room, it was hard to look it and now it looks much better. I have also included some pics of the rest of the house which is coming along really nice.

I was such a good girl for all the unpacking/painting etc..., there were times when everyone was so busy that I would decide to take my naps all on my own, didn't matter where I was. A few times I fell asleep in my Baby Einstein Exersaucer, this seemed to make everyone laugh!

Daddy has been in orientation for the past week and he starts his first day in clinic on Wednesday this week, he is really excited but I think a little nervous too! Mommy, the dogs and I have been having lots of fun together during the day and we always look forward to seeing daddy when he gets home at night.

Well, I should go and catch some rays....just kidding, I know I am too young for that, maybe when I turn 6 months old! Still can't believe I am 5 months old today, wow how time flies.

Hope that everyone will be able to make a trip down to Tennessee, we would love to see you and we have lots of space for visitors!

Love and miss y'all,


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

4 months old and always on the go!

Hi Everyone! Just a reminder, if the pictures are too small you can click on them to see a bigger copy!

Well, in only 8 short days we will be moved out of our house in Oakville, so needless to say Mommy and Daddy are super busy. Although, they still found time to take me out to celebrate my Gigi's birthday and my Daddy's graduation.

On May 26th it was my Gigi's birthday so we took her to Buffalo to go shopping and have dinner at a really neat Fondue restaurant called "The Melting Pot". It seemed like everyone really enjoyed the food. I had a great time because Gigi spent all her birthday money on me, she bought me a whole new summer wardrobe and 4 pairs of shoes, thanks Gigi!

Then on May 30th Mommy and Daddy took me on another plane ride, this time to Boston, MA. On this trip I got to travel with my Gigi, Gram, Pop-Pop and my Uncle Ryan, we all went to cheer on Daddy. Daddy's graduation was in Boston, he graduated along with 149 other doctors from his school Saba and another medical school called MUA.

I slept through all of the boring speeches and woke up just in time to cheer for my Daddy, I am so proud of him and what he has accomplished. I saw Mommy and Gigi crying during one point of the ceremony, I think they were happy tears!

We had so much fun in Boston, I got to go on my first boat and trolley ride, and everyone kept saying I was a very good girl. I also got to go swimming in the pool at the hotel in Boston, it was so much fun, I love the water. Mommy and Daddy were trying to teach me how to kick my feet, I think it won't be long before I figure it all out.

We partied every night in Boston, which meant I got to stay up past my bedtime. Pop-Pop really seemed to enjoy my company, one night I even managed to convince him to let me hold his beer for him!

Well, on an ending note, I have also posted our latest family picture that we had done 2 weeks ago at Sears. I think it looks great and thought you would all like to see it! As well as a few pics of me enjoying the beautiful weather outside, I love warm weather and I could do without the cold.

This will probably be my last blog posting till we get to Tennessee in 2 weeks. I look forward to updating all of you when we arrive!

Lots of Love!