Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pictures with Daddy's new Camera

I hope everyone is doing well back home in Canada. We are getting our first feel of cooler weather here in Tennessee but it doesn't seem to be as cold as it is in Canada. As most of you know I am not a fan of the cold, I like it hot but Mommy has been making sure to bundle me up when we head out! Our leaves are starting to change on the trees in our yard, it is very pretty.

We have had a relaxing week, not too much going on but we do have a few things to update. Daddy got a new Digital SLR camera, some fancy dancy camera that takes really nice pictures. Mommy and Daddy have been playing with it all week, taking pictures of me doing everyday stuff.

Daddy got some really neat pics of Ella, Fisher and I bouncing on the trampoline one night! The Battel family had us over for cake to celebrate Mommy's birthday, actually Ella made the cake, of course with a little help from her Mama! The cake was really good, I even got to have a piece.

I am also able to clap now and give five, these were two things Gigi and Uncle Ryan were trying to teach me when we were there visiting and I can finally do it! You will also notice in the video that Mommy and Daddy are now letting me play in the plastic cupboard, it is so much fun. Check out the video below of me clapping.

Friday, October 17, 2008

My 1st Canadian Thanksgiving

My 1st Canadian Thanksgiving! What a great visit I had back home in Canada. It was a long travel day, 12 hrs start to finish but it was worth it.

It was so nice to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with all of our family and friends back in Canada. This time we didn't do a million things but we did manage to visit with everyone. I got to see my Papa and have a couple of really nice visits with him, we took him out of the hospital twice and had lunch over at Sherway mall. He is always so happy to see me, I love it! Check out the nice pics Mommy took of us together.

We had a really nice visit with my new baby cousin Heidi, she is so pretty. She slept most of the time but I could tell that she really enjoyed our company, we used baby code! I can't wait to see her at Christmas, it is going to be so much fun. My "Uncle" cousin Jay is always a lot of fun, he did a good job of entertaining me so Mommy and Erica could have a chance to catch up.

I was so happy to get to see my Uncle Ryan and Gigi for a couple of good visits. They are so much fun, I am really hoping they will be able to come to Tennessee for a visit sometime soon! I even got to see my Great Grand Mere, we had Thanksgiving dinner at her house in Victoria Harbour. She isn't feeling too good but she still managed to play with me and have a good visit.

We also had a nice Thanksgiving dinner at my cousin Lynn and Larry's house. Mommy and Gigi said the Roast beef was fantastic, Larry did a really good job cooking it! It was nice to get to spend some time with my cousins, Larry even played with me, what a funny guy.

I had a great time up North in Orillia at the Hollinger Thanksgiving dinner. Everybody was at dinner except for my Daddy, everyone really missed him! I got to meet my cousin Jon Jon for the first time, what a crazy hair-do he has but I think it suits him. I spent the night at Gram and Pop-Pop's house and we got the chance to have a nice quality visit. We went on a walk through the town of Gravenhurst and had lunch at a cute little cafe where I got to sit in an old fashioned high chair, it was really neat.

It was Mommy's 29th birthday when we were home and Auntie Amy got everyone together for a birthday party. We all got together at one of Mommy's favorite restaurants Colossus, yummy Greek food. It was so nice to see Mommy together with all of her friends, I am pretty sure she had a great time, thanks to everyone who came. I think they were all trying to send her a hint, she got 3 cookbooks for gifts! Plus when we got back to Tennessee Daddy had also bought her a cookbook!!!

On Mommy's birthday we went to a pumpkin patch at Springridge Farm with Cassie and Jen Chambers, wow what a fun place! We got to see some Billy Goats, Turkeys, Bunny Rabitts and tons of pumpkins. Cassie and I played on the hay bails and in the pumpkin patch.

We had a long travel day back to Tenneseee, Mommy and I didn't get home till 2am, we were very exhausted. Unfortunately late that night Dexter had an accident in the backyard, he managed to cut his head open on what we think was a bolt on the fence. Mommy got the bleeding under control that night but ended up having to take him to animal hospital the next morning. Thank goodness for our neighbor Kara, she came over and babysat me while Mommy got things taken care of with Dexter because Daddy was on-call. Dexter had to be sedated and got 6 stitches, my poor doggy Dexter! He is doing well now but we all feel really bad for him.

Well that is all for now, I am tired and need to catch some zzzz'sss...!

Love and miss you all,

Saturday, October 4, 2008

8 months old and learning new things everyday

Hi Everyone, can you believe October is already here and I am now 8 months old. Mommy keeps saying she wants me to just stop growing and stay as a little baby, silly Mommy!!!

It has been a bit of a long week, I haven't been feeling all that well. My nose won't stop running and it is keeping me up at night. I feel bad for Mommy because she has had to sit up with me at night and try to make me feel better. Thank goodness Mommy and Daddy got their new bed this week, this way Mommy at least is getting good sleep when she can. Their new bed is huge, you have to climb onto it, Dexter and Ryder are actually having a really hard time jumping up on it which Daddy thinks is great!

We had our Southern breakfast last weekend at Kara and Chris's house and it was well liked, both Mommy and Daddy had seconds! After breakfast was done we all got ready and went out to the Mize Farm days at the local Farm & Garden store. They had all different types of animals there, I got to pet a donkey, sit on a horse and wear a pink cowboy hat. We had lots of fun! I was very proud of Fisher, he not only sat on the horse he went on a horse ride.

Mommy says to not pay any attention to her hair in the family picture below, it was just one of those days, it was sticky and wet outside! We all thought you would find this sticker we saw on a truck to be quite funny, you know you are in the south when...

I have decided that I no longer want to crawl unless I have to, I would much rather walk around all the furniture and pull myself up on everything that I can. I really like to play in the kitchen and try to open the cupboards and drawers, Daddy still hasn't put latches on the kitchen drawers, yipee for me!

I got a new toy this week as well, it was lent to me from my friend "Molly", she is 2 1/2 years old. Well actually, Molly had it first, then Ella and now me, thank goodness for nice neighbors! It is my very own hot pink car and I love it, check out the video below of me playing in it.

Something very exciting happened on Thursday Oct. 2nd, I said my very first word "MaMa"! Oh my gosh, Mommy got so excited to hear me say it, she started to clap and scream. She sat down in front of me and had me say at least three times in a row and of course I did. Then she called Daddy and Gigi and Gram to tell them. I think Daddy was a little sad that I didn't say "DaDa" first, but I told him not to worry just give me some more time to figure it out. They tried to get me saying it on camera, listen to the video below you might be able to hear me.